Your credit professionals

Your credit professionals

Personal loan

You can obtain your personal loan online for an annual interest rate starting at 5.9%. Benefit now from our attractive conditions and the advantages of the personal loan.

Personal loan

You can obtain your personal loan online for an annual interest rate starting at 4.9%. Benefit now from our attractive conditions and the advantages of the personal loan.

Loan application

When it comes to your personal loan, you should turn to professionals. Tell us your desired amount and we will take care of the rest.

If you are planning a major purchase but your savings are not quite enough, a personal loan is a suitable way to bridge the gap. Whether you need a loan for further education, a loan for new furniture, a loan for a new car or motorcycle, a loan for a renovation or house construction or a loan for an investment abroad – as an official partner of the Swiss credit banks, we will support you professionally in taking out a loan or in increasing your current loan and will do our best to ensure that you receive your desired amount at the best conditions. Apply today for your personal loan at AS Finanz GmbH.

Please only submit a credit application if you do not have any outstanding debt collection, garnishment or loss certificates.

It's that simple

Loan application

You will send a loan application conveniently online or per regular mail. If you send also all necessary documents right away, then we will be able to process your application immediately and there will be no delay.


We analyze your need and find the adequate credit institute for you. We forward your application to partner banks and they will thoroughly check your financing request using various criteria.


24 hours after the submission of the application you will receive the loan decision. Should your request be approved, we will print the loan contract and send it to you so that you can sign it.

Waiting period

Now we have to wait that the statutory waiting period of 14 days, which applies to all private loans in Switzerland up to 80’000 CHF, passes, which starts being calculated from the moment when the loan contract was printed. You have now a couple of days to read the contract with care and to send it back to us signed.


After the expiry of the waiting period, you can collect your private loan in the nearest branch of the loan bank or you can have the loan amount transferred to Your bank/post account.

Apply online

Choose your desired amount and fill out the online form completely.


To conclude the loan simply identify via video chat from home. Of course, also possible by mail or in the branch.

Receive money

Your money will be in your account within a few days after successful verification of your documents.

Receive money

Your money will be in your account within a few days after successful verification of your documents.

Receive money

Your money will be in your account within a few days after successful verification of your documents.


We are an approved supplier with the official license for credit brokerage, issued by:

Would you prefer a personal credit consultation?


Our consultants are available for you daily from 08:30-12.00 and 13:00-18:00

Would you prefer a personal credit consultation?


Our consultants are available for you daily from 08:30-12.00 and 13:00-18:00